"Bug Off " General Household Pest Control-Basic coverage
We help control the following insects inside the home. American Roaches, Brown Banded Roaches, German Roaches, Oriental Roaches, Smokey Brown Roaches, Silver Fish, House Ants, Pantry Pest, Solitary Wasp, Millipedes, Centipedes, Earwigs, House Crickets and Web removal.
Additional insect control available at additional cost or with a different agreement , such as bed bugs, indoor fleas, indoor ticks, firebrats, carpenter ants, pharoah ants, moisture ants, outdoor fleas, outdoor ticks, black widow spiders, brown recluse spiders, spider mites, carpet beetles ( this is just a list and does not name them all).

No Mosquito Zone
We treat your lawn and landscape to greatly reduce the mosquito population, so you can once again enjoy your yard.

"Hickory Dickory Dock" Rodent Trapping
We will inspect the residence and advise the customer. We set traps and arrange to come out and check and reset the traps.

"Hickory Dickory Dock" Rodent Exclusion / sealing off
We will close places that rodents or small animals may gain access to the home. Most of the time these are done with a metal hardware cloth to still allow the proper ventilation to the home.

"Say your prayers, Varmint!"Wildlife Removal
We will trap and remove nuisance animals

The Easy Peasy Lawn Care Program
The Home Services Tree/Shrub Program
The Lemon Squeezy Fire Ant / Flea Program
A specialized fertilizer will be put down throughout the year to maintain good health, vigor, and color throughout the year.
Service is provided monthly Pre-emergent, weed control, insecticide, fungicide, and one service call is included at no extra charge to the client as deemed necessary.
Treatment includes fertilization, insecticide, and fungicide, and is vital to the health of the tree/shrub. We recommend this service every two months.
The lawn and shrub beds will be treated monthly for fire ants and fleas to control these pesky insects during their peak seasons. We offer one service call between regular services if necessary.